Acquisition of Permanent Residency
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- Acquisition of Permanent Residency
Acquisition of Permanent Residency by Marriage Migrants
- Eligibility : A foreign national with good conduct who has been staying in Korea for at least two years under marriage migrant status and has basic knowledge required for his/her continued residence in Korea, such as Korean language proficiency
- Eligible applicant
- A foreign national currently in a marriage relationship with a Korean national
- A foreign national whose spouse has passed away or has been judicially declared missing by the court
- A foreign national divorced or separated from a Korean national who demonstrates such divorce or separation is attributable to his/her spouse
- A foreign national who upkeeps a minor born out of wedlock with a Korean national
- Required documents : Overseas criminal record certificate - marriage certificate with a Korean national and resident registration certificate - TOPIK level 2 or higher or certificate of completion of the Korea Immigration & Integration Program
- Documents demonstrating property relation (one of the following) - proof of bank balance of KRW 30,000,000 or more in the applicant’s name or the name of a family member living together - a certified copy of the real estate register or a copy of the lease agreement - documents demonstrating a regular income such as proof of employment of the applicant or the applicant's spouse
- Documents demonstrating the place of sojourn
- Apply to : Nationality Team, Seoul Immigration Office (☎02-2650-6399)
Acquisition of Permanent Residency by Migrant Workers
- A foreign national residing in the Republic of Korea for five years or longer
- A spouse of a Korean national or permanent resident and his/her child residing in Korea for two years or longer
- A Korea-born child of an F-5 (father or mother) visa holder residing in Korea
- A foreign investor who invests in at least USD 500,000 and employs five or more Korean nationals
- Foreign-born Koreans who are qualified for citizenship
- Ethnic Chinese born in Korea
- Individuals who have completed official programs at graduate schools in Korea and have acquired a doctorate degree
- Individuals with a doctorate obtained overseas who have majored in advanced technology and are currently employed by a Korean company
- Individuals who have skills in specialized areas such as science, administration, education, cultural art, athletics, etc.
- Individuals who have worked in the manufacturing industry, etc. in the same business for four years or longer under an H-2 visa
- Individuals who have lived in Korea for three years or more after acquiring a point-based residency visa (F-2) or those who have lived in Korea for two years or longer with a visa for ethnic overseas Koreans (F-4)
- Individuals who have invested in real estate or businesses of public interest for five years or more, etc.
- Individuals with a technology and business startup visa (D-8-4) who have lived continuously in Korea for three years or longer
- Individuals who have deposited KRW 1.5 billion or more in investment immigration funds of public interest and intend to maintain the investment for five years or longer
confirm Benefits of permanent residency (F-5)
- No need to renounce original nationality
- Re-entry permission not required for re-entering into Korea within two years since departure
- Foreign nationals ages 19 or older may vote in local elections three years after obtaining permanent residency